Requirements for Joining the 2-1-1 Sacramento Database
The 2-1-1 Sacramento Database consists of non-profit and governmental agencies that provide a health or human service program to the Sacramento, California, community.
Agencies can apply for their programs to be listed in this database, but first must meet the following requirements and criteria of the Inclusion/Exclusion policy. Each application request form that is submitted is reviewed for compliance with requirements and inclusion criteria.
Non-profit agencies must provide a copy of their 501(c)(3) tax exemption status letter with their application. Government (or government contracted) agencies must provide a Federal Employment ID Number (EIN) or proof of government contract to apply.
In order to be listed in the 2-1-1 Sacramento database, an agency must provide an easily reachable contact person, with phone number and address for administrative purposes. This information is only for 2-1-1 staff use and will be considered private or unlisted.
Agencies and programs must also provide an easy-to-reach method of contact for the public (toll-free telephone or FAX number, accessible walk-in location, actively used e-mail, etc.) and have an accessible contact person who will provide timely response to public inquiries about their organization and services.
Agencies who join the database agree to keep 2-1-1 Sacramento informed of service changes (e.g. services provided, contact information, intake procedures, and eligibility requirements). An annual request for information review and update will be sent to each agency’s administrative contact. A completed annual review and update is a requirement for continued database membership.
2-1-1 Sacramento holds editorial rights to submitted information for style and standardization. Submitted information is used for the purpose of informing the public of community resources. Information is utilized by 2-1-1 Sacramento Call Specialists and may be shared through printed directories, resource listings, and online databases.
Agencies who agree comply with the requirements and meet the Inclusion/Exclusion criteria can submit an application form. The form can be printed out and completed at your convenience. Send to us by mail, or hand delivered to Community Link at 8001 Folsom Blvd. Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95826 (Inside the Goodwill building). The application can also be emailed to: