CAS is here, connecting Sacramento's homeless population to essential shelters and resources. Click here for more information.

2-1-1 Yolo County | Fresh Text

Connect to Food

Yolo Fresh Text 

Connecting People to Food through Technology

Fresh Text is a free service to connect you with local food distributions. You can opt-in to receive a text reminder 24 hours before the next free food distribution in your community.

To opt in, text the keyword for your community 888777

Community and Keyword, Woodland, text OLIVE, West Sacramento & Clarksburg, text GRAPE, Winters, text ALMOND, Davis City, text TOMATO, UC Davis Campus (UCD Students Only), text Aggies, North Yolo, text RICE, Capay Valley, text Walnut

Yolo Food Bank

2-1-1 Yolo County

2-1-1 Yolo is free, multilingual, confidential, and available 24 hours per day, every day of the year. ​2-1-1 Yolo’s helpline referrals are tailored to the needs and circumstances of callers, taking into account accessibility, eligibility requirements, and other factors through live assistance from highly-trained resource specialists. In California, 93% of the population has access to 2-1-1. Nationally, 2-1-1 covers 82% of the population.

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